We are a branding and marketing agency empowering thought leaders to redefine their standard of excellence through powerful authentic branding and creative marketing approaches that deeply resonate with their target audience. With visual and written storytelling and curated content, we help them establish a recognizable and undeniable brand presence that reflects their true charisma.
I recently posted the above image on Instagram with the following thought:
The discovery of self is the greatest discovery in life. To know WHY you exist gives you the greatest sense of purpose. We often search all around us, pulling from all sources to discover who we are-not realizing that instead of looking around you, you should be looking within you. Once you look within, you’d realize you already came equipped with everything you need to succeed at your one and only life. -Rubi Z
Have you ever felt like you were doing something for the wrong reasons? Have you ever felt like the expectations of others allowed you to create someone you really were not created to be? Have you ever said you love a certain sport, or you love a certain food because majority of the people around you did? I have. I understand the difficulty of navigating life, especially when you’re a people pleaser. I wanted the approval of others and I was willing to change who I was in order to gain it. Slowly but surely I find myself in a place where I am FREE. I am confidant in ALL that I am. The good, the bad and the ugly. I fully understand that I need all of it to be who I was created to be. To impact those I was created to impact. To do the things on this earth that I was called to do. I am ok with all of my imperfections and my flaws, they keep me depending and trusting on my Creator. I am also aware of my strengths and those are the things that motivate me to THRIVE in life. How did I come to this discovery of myself? A day at a time. I made mistakes, I stumbled and failed at a lot of things, but I always got up and I kept on walking MY TRAIL of life. I think all of it, the sum of my past, my present and my future are a beautiful story that can only be written and lived out by me. No one else can write your story. So accept your past, embrace your present, and be brave with your future! Live a story worth telling. xoxoxo -Rubi Z
Photo Credit: Victora Espino
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