We are a branding and marketing agency empowering thought leaders to redefine their standard of excellence through powerful authentic branding and creative marketing approaches that deeply resonate with their target audience. With visual and written storytelling and curated content, we help them establish a recognizable and undeniable brand presence that reflects their true charisma.
Your to do list is miles long. I understand that full well. I’ve realized that the more I stare at a long list of to do’s the more overwhelmed that I get and the less I actually accomplish.
Tip: List all of the to do’s on your mind. Make a M-F break down. Put each to do under the day of week that it can get done, that way you’re spreading out your to do list which makes it a lot more manageable. Now…PRIORITIES…. once you’ve broken it down into your Monday through Friday lists, give the lists a priority rank. This will help you tackle the most important things first and you’ll automatically feel way more productive.
If you’re a business, creating content of any sort is essential. Especially now a days. But it’s nearly impossible to do so with everything you have going on…right? I will have to do an entire blog on how to prepare your content if you need that, but for now, I want to stress the importance of content planning so that YOU don’t stress out during the week. Stress is such a buzz killer and if we aren’t prepared we feel overwhelmed.
Tip: Level up one level from what you’ve been doing. Most of the time, stress comes from feeling like you should be doing something that you’re not. So, if you’re currently not posting or sharing anything online at all, start small. Think about a 3 day posting week instead of 5 days. Start by thinking what you want to talk about. 3 simple things that are important to share or discuss in accordance to your business. Now find 3 photos you may have at hand that could match that story. If you’re stuck on the matching part, start by simple putting a photo of some kind of reference and writing those thoughts. Eventually you can build up to creating more and more. The point is to JUMP IN and to try to level up a little and do one thing more that you weren’t doing. But by planning this ahead of time [on a Sunday] you are already ahead of yourself for the week and you won’t be scrambling trying to find what to say or what photo to share.
Meetings take up a lot of time. Driving back and forth. Having the actual meeting and then the depletion that comes from the energy you give to meeting with others. You have to also get ready and dressed and feel presentable. That being said….I have something that literally changed so much of my work week and freed up so much time!
Tip: Designate Meeting days! I started to batch all of my in person meetings and limited them to one to 2 days max a week. Instead of booking myself out throughout the week I would make only those dates available for booking. This allowed so much focus and intention and it freed up so much back and forth drive time throughout the week. *BONUS: Sneak in a reel/tik Tok if possible since you’re already dressed for the occasion and you’ve now batched another piece of work!
We really do have a hard time asking for help. In whatever regard, we want to feel like we are a super human and we carry more then we should.
Tip: Make a list of all of the things you’re really good at and no one could do but you. Make another list of things you’re good at but you can train someone to help you with. Make a list of things you’re not so good at and wish you could just give away! Start going up the ladder getting help in areas needed. The things taking up your time that you’re not so great at…get help in those areas and I believe you’ll start to see your energy and JOY return to you in another level! That energy and joy will translate in your productivity in the things you actually love to do! Also, moms of littles, working while simultaneously doing ALL the things for our children is the hardest thing in the world. We can and will do it, no doubt, but it comes at a cost for sure. If you have the ability to get some consistent help-it will change everything. Knowing you can count on a few hours a day to focus on your work without distractions will automatically put you in a better mood and everyone wins!
We are tough so much about financial management and that’s fantastic, but we aren’t pressed enough to do is to WATCH OUR TIME! Where is it going and how is it serving us? Are we waisting a lot of it? Using it affectively or intentionally? It’s so important to time block everything in your life. I time block things with my family, work, events and so on. Within one day my time has been blocked and knows exactly what it’s doing. When we do this, we can actually get a more realistic perspective on the time we have throughout the day and what’s possible within the time. But it also challenges us to realize the time will come and go and it’s up to us to try to steer it where it should go [I mean for the most part right-because …life!]
Tip: Every night before you go to bed. Think of what tomorrow brings. What you want to prioritize in your schedule. Put that on a time block first and give it a realistic time frame. Next go down the list of the to do’s that you have and make sure you block off time to make it happen, again giving it a realistic time frame. Everything should have a time slot so you can see what you’re working with. Showering, cooking, cleaning, working, picking up the kids, grocery shopping, etc…it needs to be on there so you don’t believe you have “all day.” When you get in the habit of doing this per day before, go into doing this the week ahead. At the same time, you’ll basically be planning and this will give you so much time and productivity…IT’S INCREDIBLE!
I Hope you’ve found these tips super helpful. I am certain there are several other ways to maximize the time you have, these I have personally found to be so life changing. Let me know if any of these are essential for you or which ones I didn’t list that you do.
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