We are a branding and marketing agency empowering thought leaders to redefine their standard of excellence through powerful authentic branding and creative marketing approaches that deeply resonate with their target audience. With visual and written storytelling and curated content, we help them establish a recognizable and undeniable brand presence that reflects their true charisma.
You are not alone. In my own way I’ve had to overcome so many of these mindsets myself. I believe it’s safe to say that several of us entrepreneurs will in some form or another experience at least one of these mindset blocks in our career lifetime. The mind is actually a powerful tool/weapon in our life. It’s no wonder that so many great entrepreneurs of our lifetime always discuss having the right “MINDSET.”
I love this very simple but significant quote:
You will say and do what you think about the most! -Dr. Caroline Leaf
Here are 3 COMMON MINDSET BLOCKS that I see amongst so many business owners.
“I DON’T HAVE THE TIME!” The lack of time we all have to get everything we need done will always be a factor as a business owner…heck, as a human, period! This thought pattern and mindset can easily become an excuse of why you can’t do the things you need to do for your life and your business. It’s common for business owners to talk about others and rationalize reasons as to why others are succeeding and they are not and most of the time it refers to them supposedly having more time than you do. The reality is, there is never enough time and there will never be enough time. So…how do we overcome the thought of not having enough time?
Time Management. I can’t stress this enough. Fail to plan, plan to fail. People who actually have a lot of productivity factors to their business take inventory of their time. They’ve most likely evaluated each second of their day and have given their day instruction and direction. The same can be so for you. No matter what you’re juggling in life…family, career, extra curricular activities…it must all be managed effectively so that you can make the most out of your day to day!
Delegating. I used to really hate this part of business, but it’s absolutely necessary. The more your business grows, the more you’ll need to hand over a few tasks..or a lot of tasks in order to achieve growth and goals. Not delegating means that you’re playing small because you can only grow as much as you can handle and we can’t handle everything. Start in small ways-even if it means you have someone help you watch the kids for a few hours so that you can focus. Remember that you are only ONE PERSON and if you break….so does your business. Hold yourself together and allow people to help.
2. “I DON’T HAVE THE SUPPORT.” This one actually breaks my heart because I know this feeling far to well. I know what it’s like to want something so bad and feel like no one can express the amount of support you need. The truth of the matter is, THIS IS YOUR DREAM, not theirs. Although so many people love you and will want to be supportive, they will not know the magnitude of the dream you have in your mind and heart. It’s best to stop waiting for someone to see what only you can see. So…how do we overcome the need to feel supported?
Do proceed with caution. Every person has a different life and sometimes there are personal things to be worked out. So I am very careful when saying to move forward to your goals and dreams despite what people think, especially when it’s in reference to your significant other. This one is huge and therefore I say…evaluate your life well before proceeding. You never want to make a move that is only going to put a damper on the relationship. If they are supportive and you’re simply just not getting the type of reaction you desire, then proceed…but if it’s more serious…take a moment to make sure your home is well before diving into making huge strides in business.
Now if it’s family/friends or the people that you’re around that aren’t giving you the enthusiasm for what you dream of with your business…then in this case I say PROCEED FULL HEARTEDLY. Bottom line is, people aren’t really able to comprehend your dreams and in fact, they are so caught up with their own world that they have very little capacity at times to give you the insight and “go ahead” you’re yearning for. Understand that no matter how passionate you share or how clear you give vision to someone, they still won’t be able to see it the way you do. It isn’t until your dream starts taking form that people are able to understand what you were seeing all along.
3. “I’M NOT LIKE THEM.” Also known as the COMPARISON GAME. If you compare your business to someone else-one of two things will happen and neither is ok: either you’ll get prideful and think you’re better, or you’ll get insecure and think you’re not good enough. Comparison is such an issue in our world and it’s no wonder -with social media being so ramped. So many entrepreneurs stay in the mindset that they can’t do it like so and so and therefore they don’t do it at all. There is also such a fear of doing it “wrong” or not good enough with all of the pressure of the views, the likes and the shares. So…how do we overcome the comparison game and get bold enough to show up on our platforms?
Just FAIL already! I mean seriously. Just lose the fear of failing at it. Do it sloppy, imperfect …but just do it! Try. Don’t go over the top with it. Find something easy to mobilize you to activate yourself. Practice really does make perfect. The more you do it the more you’re not going to stink at it! Show up to instagram stories, do a seemingless reel. Just commit to showing up.
BRAND! Branding is simply clarifying your voice and understanding who you are, what you do and who you serve. These components will build vision and give you confidence. You’ll quickly realize that you weren’t designed to do it like “so and so”-so therefore you don’t have to compete with them. You are in your own lane and you have a ton to offer that no one does! [shameless plug: BRANDING SERVICES]
All of these MINDSET BLOCKS are impeding you from taking your business to the next level. Observe the one[s] you might be dealing with and press towards overcoming them. You have too much to do to spend your time focusing on the wrong things! Keep in mind Dr. Caroline Leaf’s quote. You will say and do what you think about most…let’s start thinking about the things we want to happen and spend less time thinking about the thoughts that stump our growth, shall we?